
Posted: Dec 10 2014

Jim Goldberg: Rich and Poor
From 1977 to 1985, Jim Goldberg photographed the wealthy and destitute of San Francisco, creating a visual document that has since become a landmark work. Through the combination of text and photographs, Rich and Poor's mass appeal was instantly recognisable.

Mid-Century Modern: Interiors, Furniture, Design Details 
The 1950’s house was a scientific triumph, designed in a laboratory and tested on inhabitants of all ages before being built for the masses. Never had homes been so thoroughly contemporary, with antiques and period styles entirely banished. Mid-Century Modern explores the interior decor of this seminal decade, concentrating on all aspects of a home's decoration—walls, flooring, surfaces, lighting, and, of course, furniture.

Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers
An updated version of the seminal 1994 classic volume on the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. 




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